To help make fine art more inclusive for a broader audience and create content discussing art from different art scenes and events
To create content through writings, discussion, interviews, and documentation of past and present art events catered to a wide audience
Core Values
- Inclusive
- Informative
- Impartial
- Curious
- Relevant
- Accessible
This is Art-Beats!
Welcome to Art-Beats, a dynamic art platform launched in 2020, dedicated to exploring historical and contemporary art topics, events, and discussions worldwide.
The challenges posed by the 2020 pandemic affected Art-Beats and the global art community, causing a temporary setback in activities and projects. Post-pandemic, the art landscape has undergone some changes, prompting a fresh perspective.
I founded this platform to complement existing art sources, offering relevant writings and podcasts that cater to both art enthusiasts seeking an understanding of the art world and those already immersed, staying current with topics, events, and movements shaping our perception of art.
My motivation to launch Art-Beats stems from a longing to access and share the engaging art discussions often confined to private settings like artists’ studios, exhibitions, and art fairs. Recognizing the lack of documentation for these valuable conversations, I am eager to share these insights with others interested in the art world.
As I immersed myself in the art scenes of Europe and Asia, I observed individuals outside traditional art circles struggling to approach art. The absence of mediation from art participants to the general public can be discouraging, hindering exploration due to a lack of guidance.
Art-Beats aims to address this accessibility gap in fine art. While there are abundant written materials, art documentaries, and podcasts available, the content can sometimes be challenging to grasp without an art background, veering into theoretical or abstract discussions.
Therefore, Art-Beats is launched to unearth and explore art themes and topics in an inclusive manner. My commitment is to keep the content fresh, relevant, and interesting for anyone open to becoming a potential art lover. Join us on this journey to make art more accessible and enjoyable for all.
– Nikolai Kleist Burkal,
Art-Beats Founder